ARSI Smartbot Successfully Maintains Communication Efficiency Between Businesses and Consumers

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KPSG Group, a leading provider of operational transformation solutions, has optimized customer experience intelligently through an IP platform called ARSI. The platform, a subsidiary of Anabatic Technologies (IDX: ATIC), is a smart solution that transforms the way businesses interact with consumers.

They bring together multiple channels into a single platform, ensuring that every interaction between businesses and consumers is easy and efficient.

One impressive story of using ARSI came from a healthcare laboratory that had previously used chatbot services from different providers. Previously, this company had to experience limited responses and answers from the chatbot.

Why did this happen? Because the chatbot service they used at that time was still menu-based. Thus, consumers were not free to ask questions to the chatbot.

Then, the implementation of ARSI Smartbot was done by utilizing WhatsApp services. This application is used because it is listed as the most popular instant messaging platform in Indonesia. Using free text-based technology, Smartbot and customers can interact with each other like a conversation between customers and online customer service without being limited by the available menu.

As a result, more than 400,000 queries have been successfully answered by Smartbot via free text. As many as 69% of them were responded to very well and accurately by Smartbot, this number has certainly increased compared to before.

From the example above, we can see that implementing ARSI can improve customer experience which can then be followed by increased customer satisfaction, bringing more profits. One health laboratory that has been established since 1973 has proven it.

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