PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk (IDX: ATIC) again carried out a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program that focused on efforts to reduce stunting rates, Wednesday (24/07/2024). The company collaborated with Posyandu Patimura 2, Kampung Dukuh Pinang, Tangerang to distribute nutritious food and drinks to children and pregnant women.
The collaboration with Posyandu Patimura 2 is not without reason. According to data from the local health center as of June 2024, the Dukuh Pinang area has the highest number of stunted children, namely 35 people.
Stunting is a growth disorder in children due to malnutrition within two years of age. Other causes are mothers who lack nutrition throughout pregnancy and poor sanitation.
The UN noted that by 2020, more than 149 million or 22% of children under five years old worldwide will be stunted. As many as 6.3 million of these stunted children are Indonesian toddlers.
The Indonesian government has also set a target to reduce the prevalence of stunting yearly. Supporting these efforts, Anabatic Technologies invites the community to participate in combating this health problem.
“We realize that there are still many people who do not realize the importance of fulfilling the nutrition of toddlers and pregnant women for the growth of children in the future. Through this activity, we hope more parents will gain insight into stunting and its prevention,” said Camelia Suryana Bong, Head of Corporate Secretary of PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk.
Camelia added that this event was even more special because it was also a celebration of National Children’s Day. This is a reminder for all of us that it is important to protect, support, and value children as the future of the nation.
“One of the challenges that needs to be addressed to ensure children grow up healthy and smart is stunting. However, with proper nutrition, healthcare, and education, we can break this cycle and help every child reach their full potential,” Camelia added.
Anabatic is a leading public IT company in Indonesia with commitment to fight against various issues, one of which is stunting. We believe through collaborative efforts like this, the company can contribute to the fight against stunting, foster a healthier society, and create a brighter future for the next generation.